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I hope you have all been keeping well and had a great Easter. Spring is here and it has been great that the days are now getting longer.

COVID has been a real stressfuful time for us all, the pain, horror and distress it has caused to everyone young and old has been concerning. A lot of shops and businesses have struggled during these hard times and none other then those who are independent and small. I am both pleased and excited to be doing a book signing at one of those shops. Next month (Saturday 7th May) I will be doing a book signing at PARADE'S END BOOKS In Ham, Kingston-Upon-Thames from 10.30am. There will be free treats for children who come by and a gift for every purchase of Goodbye Mother Bear sold. So please do come on by if you are close to the area.

And talking about Faraday Bear, the young bear cub and his friends are set to appear again in a brand new book which Ian and I are currently working on. No details yet but do keep a watch as I will update you as soon as I can.

And, for the older children, I am working on something which I hope will give them chills!

Take care.

Adam x

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